Displease not the Delvers

The party returned to the Swinging Sword Inn in Red Larch and toasted their success at the necromancer's cave.  A fearsome looking Dragonborn knight watched them from a shadowy corner.  Drowyn approached him and after a little conversation invited the knight to join them.  He agreed and introduced himself as Kilnaar Baharoosh. The barkeep told the party that the shepherdess who had told them about the Necromancer's cave would come the Inn in a few hours.  In the meantime the party went back to Ironhead Arms to buy more equipment.

Ironhead told them that they might hear more rumors of strange goings on at the Boarding House.  Baphomet annoyed Ironhead but the party managed to haggle good prices.  The party then went to the Smithy to question the blacksmith about the disappearance of his daughter Bess.  The blacksmith explained that Bess had always been a difficult child and often refused to do her chores helping in the shop.  When this happened she wasn't given any food until she did her chores.  She'd often talk of strange dreams and of running away.  The blacksmith didn't take the threat seriously as she was only 11 and would not survive in the wilderness on her own.  He heard she'd been rescued and brought back to the Constable but she'd gone missing again and hadn't returned to the Smithy.  Baphomet insulted the blacksmith and the party thought it best to leave.

Returning to the Butcher's Shop (home of Constable Harburk), they found he was not home.  His wife, Jalessa explained that he had set off to deal with the bandits himself rather than waiting for the partry to get around to it.  They resolved to deal with the bandits tomorrow and bought five horse steaks, 12 sausages and 1 pig heart from Jalessa.

Back at the Inn the party collected a reward from the shepherdess, while Baphomet managed to annoy her by waving a severed head in her face. Although it was noon, the party retired to their rooms to rest as they had been fighting through the night.  

The next day they set off, leaving Smiley, Skonn and Jarlier behind to watch for strange people, listen out for news about Bess and look out for anyone coming into town for supplies. Drowyn also really wanted them to find a local bard.

Stepping outside the party felt a tremor and the ground before them opened up exposing a large sinkhole that swallowed up five villagers.  The party set about rescuing the villagers while the town elders appeared to tell the gathering crowd to go home and leave it to them. With some of the party busy rescuing people, Kilnaar questioned one of the elders and felt he was hiding something. Adran decided to attack the elder and Arnogall failed to stop him.  However, seeing the entire town getting ready to attack him, Adran backed down.

The party explored the sinkhole, finding it to be part of a large chamber with two exits.  They went through the door to the east.  This led to corridors carved from rock with some dwarven statues here and there.  Ahead, a door with a viewing slit could be seen.  The party continued onwards only to find cages dropping from the ceiling. With great difficulty they managed to escape the cages and rush through to door, finding a bewildered half-orc on the other side.  The half-orc told the adventurers to leave and attacked.  He was easily defeated, with the party choosing to kill him rather than disable and question him.  In this room was an eight foot high rectangular stone with the inscription "Displease not the Delvers" and a small boy pinned to the floor with heavy stones.  Kilnaar removed the stones and questioned the boy.  His name was Braelen and he explained he was being punished by his father for failing to deliver a letter.  His father was a Believer.  The Believers were a secret group who watched the mysterious moving stones and interpreted their signs in order to avoid danger.  The Delvers were the dwarves who originally excavated the complex.  The party offered to take the boy with them but he refused.  Kilnaar hoisted the boy on his shoulder and carried him.

Petrified Ironstar (?) dwarf, found 1459 DR in Red Larch West Quarry in broken condition.

The party pressed on to the next room finding a statue of a dwarf held up by a wooden frame.  there was an inscription on the frame.

Around the statue was a circle of fine gravel. Inside the circle, at the foot of the statue were offerings of coins, gems and a dagger.  The party collected the items, Adran adding the dagger to his growing collection.  Suddenly, six humans burst through the door to the north.  Sorin recognised that their leather armour bore one of the symbols seen in the necromancer's study.  Their leader said "We are the Bringers of Woe. We have come to reward your curiosity."  They drew their weapons and attacked.
Symbol on armour


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