Dark Dealings in Yartar

(Scroll for tl;dr)

As they continued their river cruise, The Adventurers™ searched the boat finding it had a cargo hold containing some rations, bed rolls and lots of rope.  They returned to the mysterious box on the deck and continued to examine it.  There was no obvious way to open it; its only notable feature was an inscription which read, “The more there is, the less you see.” Skonn suggested that they drag the box below deck where it was darker.  Once there the box opened and inside they found a vial of dark liquid suspected to be poison, a letter and a scrap of paper with instructions for the magic bowl they found on the pirate captain.  The letter contained orders to buy the lost orb, described as a deverstation orb, from the Hand of Yartar.  The letter also spoke of hidden treasure, should additional gold be needed.  The treasure was rumoured to be hidden under the long ruined Wrath Keep, about 80 miles to the north of Yartar.  Any treasure seekers were directed to the town of to Drillin’s Ferry to ask the locals for directions to the keep.  

The party decided to head to Yartar and make contact with the Hand of Yartar.  Skonn, Arnogall, Smiley and Aubrey took a Hippogriff each and flew there leaving the rest of the party and two Hippogriffs on a slow boat to Yartar.  While flying over the Dessarin Hills, after about an hour the Hippogriff landed to rest and drink.  Ahead the party could see some sort of fey creature.  They approached and the creature said he would tell them something important in return for three good gifts.  After some deliberation the party gave him Arnogall’s frying pan, a silver axe and a tiny beating heart (which it immediate ate).  The creature told that party that up on the cliff face is a giant oak tree and they were to whistle twice when they flew past it in order to pass safely.  They thanked the creature and did as he suggested as they set off to Yartar.  They passed the oak tree without incident but spotted a tree like creature lurking inside.  

Landing a few miles from the city, they told to Hippogriffs to meet them at the same spot tomorrow at noon.  The beasts acknowledged and flew off.  On the way to Yartar they climbed over a fallen oak tree and Skonn was attacked by a squirrel.  In the city they passed two inns and made their way to the market.  Aubrey bought 2lbs of sausages as the Hippogriffs had taken a liking to them.  They asked the butcher if he had heard of the Hand of Yartar.  He stared back with a blank expression and said he had not.  Then a boy carrying apples bumped into the party dropping his fruit.  As he collected it back up he signalled to Smiley using Thieves Cant that the Hand could be found at an Inn called the Wink and Kiss.  Smiley took an apple and payed a generous five silver for it.  

With the sun now setting they party wandered around looking for the Wink and Kiss, finding it after an hour.  It was a run down sort of place but busy inside.  They took a seat and ordered beer and stew, asking the serving girl if Nareen Dhest was here.  She said no but using Thieves Cant told Smiley to follow her.  She led him to a back room.   Inside he found a dark-haired human female with icy blue eyes, dressed in traveler’s garb. She was seated behind a large wooden table with empty chairs across from her.  Two big human mercenaries in armor leant against the walls close by. “The bidding starts at a four thousand gold pieces,” she said. “What’s your offer?”

Smiley said that he had the gold but not on him.  He explained that he and his associates could return with payment in three days.  Nareen asked who he represented and Smiley, keeping his cards close to his chest, refused to answer.  He asked if he could see the orb but she said it was hidden somewhere safe.  Nareen suggested they could have the orb for four thousand but couldn’t guarantee it wouldn’t be sold before he returned.  Smiley rejoined the others and told them what happened.  Aubrey called over the serving girl and asked if there were any brothels in the city.  She suggested he go to the Pearl-Handled Pipe Inn and ask for Laura.  Across the room the party noticed that two large men were watching them with interest.  They decided to leave and spend the night at the Pipe.  

The Pearl-Handeled Pipe was a more upmarket inn, well furnished and with a better class of clientele than the Wink and Kiss. The party rented a room each and Aubrey asked if Laura could be sent to his room.  He waited whilst the others sat in the bar.  There was a knock on the door.  Aubrey tentatively opened the door and peaked through.  “Laura at your ssss-service brave adventurer.”  She was unlike anything Aubrey had ever seen.  Laura had long, clawed fingers and a jaw like a crocodile Small tan horns protruded from her head and she had a rat-like tail.  He detected an odour reminiscent of wet dog and stagnant water.  Without hesitation, he invited her in and closed the door.  

Meanwhile, Skonn, Smiley and Arnogall had ordered some fine wine and looked around at the other patrons.  Aubrey returned with a look of bemeausment and started on the wine.  Smiley spotted two well dressed merchants and overheard they were taking about the recent happenings at Red Larch.  The party moved towards them and introduced themselves as The Adventurers™.  While Skonn regailed the pair with an exaggerated version of their travels, Smiley pickpocketed the merchant and even managed to steal a ring right from his finger.  After making their excuses to leave, they retired for the night.  

The next morning the four of them went shopping in the market.  They also whet to the Waterbaron’s hall in search of a map of the Drillin’s Ferry area.  A clerk in the hall duly obliged and sketched a map from memory.  Having decided to continue on to Drillin’s Ferry, the party met the Hippogriffs at noon as planned.  Aubrey wrote a note and attached it to a Hippogriff and sent two of them back to the boat.  The party then shared the remaining two Hippogriffs and headed north.  After an hour the Hippogriffs decended.  They seemed to want some more sausages and acted disappointed when they were given raw ones.  As they tended to their mounts a Druid approached the group.  He introduced himself as Erp and explained that he was travelling to the Wytchwood as he’d heard of unnatural happenings in the woods.  He told them some of the history of Wrath Keep and why it lay in ruins.  He asked if he could accompany the group to Drillin’s Ferry and they agreed.  Erp suggested they seek out Jor, a local with excellent knowledge of the Wytchwood.  He may be willing to guide the party to the keep.  

The party flew on to Drillin’s Ferry with Erp being carried in the talons of one of the Hippogriffs.  The party landed a little way off from Drillin’s Ferry and plotted their next move.

Tl;dr Discovered the boat had a hold, opened the riddle box and found directions to a treasure hoard, made contact with the thieves in Yartar, Aubrey met a lizard lady, picked a merchant’s pocket, left a note on a hippogriff, picked up a hitchhiker.


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