Onwards to Yartar

(Scroll for tl;dr)

Leaving the bath house with only Skonn, Sorin, Arnogall and Balderpoor seeming alert, the party sought out Helvur Tarnlar the clothier and Imdarr Relvaunder a priest of Tempus. They had both given the party a task to perform which the party had completed. The Adventurers™ now wanted to find out why they had been asked to do these things and more importantly if there were any reward.  

Helvur came across as pompous and arrogant until Sorin showed him the signet ring they had found in Tricklerock Cave.  Helvur explained that he was a contact for the Lord’s Alliance.  He explained that this organisation is a loose coalition of established political powers concerned with mutual security and prosperity. Should the party help Helvur with a problem they would be invited to join alliance and gain powerful allies with access to useful resources.  He described how he had heard reports of a powerful orb that had been stolen from the Lord Protector’s vault in Triboar and was now on sale to the highest bidder.  The orb had been taken by a nefarious organisation known as the Hand of Yartar and was being sold by a human called Nareen Dhest.  The party were to go to the Wink and Kiss tavern in Yartar, find Dhest and recover the orb by any means necessary.  The party accepted.

They went on to the All Faith’s Shrine and spoke to Imdarr Relvaunder.  He had already met the party but they explained that they had been the ones who rescued Constable Harburk.  Their companion Kilnaar had been asked to carry out the rescue but he had not been seen for some time since.  The priest rewarded Sorin, Arnogall and Skonn with a potion of greater healing but did not give one to Balderpoor as he said he had not taken part in the rescue.  Sorin enquired about the Order of the Gauntlet as they had been mentioned in the letter to Kilnaar.  Imdarr confirmed he was a member but also stated there were no openings in the organisation.  

The party decided to set off towards Yartar on their Hippogriffs.  They followed the Larch Path, soaring high above the Sumber Hills. After about an hour the Hippogriffs started to descend.  Tired from the journey they landed to rest.  Arnogall was good enough to fry up some sausages for them and the party.  Whilst the others had a quick look around, Balderpoor noticed a pair of red eyes staring at him from some dark, bramble choked bushes.  The eyes vanished as if the creature was never there.  Balderpoor believed this to be an omen and told the party he thought they were being hunted.  However, they were sceptical of his divination skills.  

The Hippogriffs had landed near where Stone Bridge crosses the Desarin River.  Along the river a keelboat approached and the party took up defensive positions.  The boat drove into the bank and six rough looking men jumped out and headed towards the party.  The men shouted asking what the Hippogriffs were and then asked if they were for sale.  When the party refused to sell the men attacked.  They were easily dealt with but Balderpoor was knocked unconscious after successfully singeing two of the pirates.  Skonn had manage to cleve two of the attackers clean in half.  Checking the corpses, The Adventurers hoarded all of the usable weapons and armour and also found a strange bowl with a symbol on it and a receipt for 5 lbs of potatoes.

Arnogall cautiously checked the keelboat and found no one on board.  He did find a mysterious box and 5 lbs of potatoes.  The box had no obvious way of opening but had an inscription on the top.  He recognised that the inscription was a clue to opening the box and also knew such boxes could be rigged with a trap.  Sorin, Arnogall and Balderpoor set sail on their newly acquired boat with Skonn and the rest of the party following on Hippogriffs above.  They soon worked out that the voyage to Yartar via river would take five days and not the few hours they had envisaged via Hippogriff.  

Tl;dr - Party offered the chance to join the Lord’s Alliance if they recover a stolen orb; a priest gave then some healing potions; they flew towards Yartar but the Hippogriffs got tired; killed some pirates and took their boat; found a mysterious box.


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