Werewolf head anyone?

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A cool wind blew across the ground and a hippogriff reared up and screeched. The ground began to tremble and two earth elementals burst up from the dirt road between the party and the gallows. The full moon rose and the noose around Ulhro Luruth suddenly burst, he dropped to his knees and when he rose his head, he let out a blood curdling howl.

The werewolf attacked Baphomet and knocked him unconscious but the beast’s bite did not infect him with its curse.  After that however the werewolf seemed to run around rather ineffectually and was taunted by the party as they took to the skies on their hippogrifffs.  The earth elementals proved far tougher and as the party fought them, a great beast ridden by a human burrowed up from the ground.  While the battle raged the rider picked up Tantaur’s corpse, threw it on the beast and burrowed away again.  

The werewolf was easily dealt with but the elementals proved tough adversaries until Jarlier dealt a devastating blow with his magic axe.  The first elemental was defeated and the other burrowed away once Tantaur’s corpse had been taken.  Baphomet was healed and he immediately killed one of the two remaining prisoners demanding the other one either tell him about the earth cult or suffer the same fate.  This last prisoner Wavlur, said he didn’t know anything about the cult.  At this point Harburk arrived and stabbed the prisoner through the heart.  Sorin beheaded the werewolf and took the head.  The returning yet nervous villages ask him to dismember the beast as they were still afraid of it.  He happily obliged.

Haukberg said he could not reward them but did offer them some more hummingbird tongues should they wish to visit the shop.  The party were thanked for their heroism and left the town elders debating the merits of capital punishment.  They returned to the inn and rested for the night with Wolfgang joining the party.  In the morning the innkeeper came to collect board from the party but they were reluctant to give him any money.  He had only asked for 35 silver pieces.  Eventually Aubrey, the poorest but noblest of the group paid the man.

The party headed off to meet Haeleeya almost forgetting where they had last met her. In the bath house they were guided to a side room where Haeleeya thanked them for finding and killing the werewolf. Sorin had brought the werewolf’s head as evidence of the party’s victory but it was noted that this was not strictly necessary as half the town had witnessed the event. He was politely asked to take the head back with him. The party were invited to join the Emerald Enclave and they agreed. Haeleeya had some concerns about the feathered cloaks most of the party were wearing but it turned out she had never heard of the Feathergale Society. The party were given pins with the insignia of the Emerald Enclave and Cloaks of Elvenkind. As Haeleeya left them she told them to check back in ten days when she might have some more work for them. They plotted their next move with some talk of going to Yartar in search of the Lord’s Alliance.

Tl;dr A new ally helped the party fight off the werewolf and elementals; Baphomet was knocked unconscious; the last prisoners were executed; the party joined the Emerald Enclave and might get future work with them.


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