Double Trouble

The party moved through the workshop, deeper into the cave system.  While exploring, Bamophet, the tiefling rogue, suddenly realised that he had not been getting a fair share of the treasure the party had found.  He grumpily raised this and was given some extra gold. The passage opened out into a long gallery and ahead a large man was chained to the floor wearing nothing but a bear skin cloak.  Drowyn, the dwarven cleric, who had been fastidiously checking for traps, threw caution to the wind and walked up to the man; stepping on a pressure plate in the process.  The two side walls slowly started to close in and iron doors dropped down at both exits. The party managed to stop the walls by wedging random items in the small gap between the walls, breaking two crowbars, a dagger, a quarterstaff and a battleaxe in the process.  With the imminent danger addressed they released the man and questioned him.  He was Skonn a human barbarian who had been captured by the necromancer that lived in this cave.

Smiley picked the lock and the party pressed on, finding themselves in a large oval cavern.  Tapestries hung from the walls.  In the centre of the room there was a pedestal fashioned from severed arms.  At the top of this grisly construction on a single outstretched arm, was a glass orb.  Above the orb a sigil floated in the air, obviously maintained by magic.

The Sigil

As Skonn approached the symbol a hidden voice shouted “Can’t you see it? It’s the Eye! It sees your every move! Don’t you fear it?"  Two identical figures lept out from behind the tapestries.  They looked like the hooded figure from the workshop.  The necromancers attacked the party, downing Sorin.  When one of the necromancers was killed, the other hid behind a tapestry and raised its companion from the dead.  Arnogall threw a torch across the room, causing the tapastry to burst into flames.  The zombie and necromancer were defeated and a wand of magic missiles retrieved from the corpse.  Adran recognised the glass orb as a driftglobe, although he attempted to deceive the party as to its true nature.

The party lingered in the cavern for a while unsure if they had defeated the source of the evil.  They eventually left emerging into the breaking light of dawn.  They heard a faint pop and in the distance could see a tower that wasn't there before.  They approached the tower and found the mortar between the stones was laced with lead.  On entering those inside heard the whispers of distant voices in a unrecognisable language.  In the upper room a half elf was found asleep in bed.  A caged rat and a glowing red gem sat on the sideboard.  The half elf was eventually woken by Skonn bellowing at her.  Unsurprised by the intruders she introduced herself as Rassega.  The party questioned her about the necromancer but she was unimpressed that they had defeated him.  She was more concerned about the strange goings on in Red Larch and suspected the Cult of the Black Earth to be behind this.  She explained that if the Earth Cult were active the other elemental cults may too have returned.  Balderich had chosen to wait outside but attempted to climb the tower and enter through the window.  He lost his footing and fell to the ground injuring himself.

Rassega asked if the party were interested in buying the rat or gem.  She explained the rat could seek out nearby gold and would soon earn back its 2000 gold price tag.  Skeptical, the party asked for a demonstration and Rassega threw the rat out of the window.  Balderich then raced upstairs and threw some mouldy bedding (that he'd found in the cave) at Rassega.  With a click of her fingers she turned the bedding to butterflies and levitated Balderich out of the window.  He fell to the ground and again was hurt.  With that Rassega and the tower began to fade from view.  The mysterious voices grew louder.  The party ran out of the tower with all but Drowyn getting out before it disappeared.  He fell to the floor with a thump and the tower vanished.

Sorin tracked the rat and led the party to a nearby willow tree.  Smiley climbed on Sorin's shoulders and in a hollow in the tree, he found the rat sleeping next to a gold bracelet.  Smiley hid the bracelet in his sleeve before picking up the rat.


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