Dissent in the Ranks

Before the party ventured deeper into the cavern, Bamophet rejoined the group having found Smiley's note.  He was accompanied by a new friend called Jarlier a human fighter.  Jarlier was well turned out but in his finery he looked a little out of place in a zombie infested cavern.  He assured the party he could handle himself.

With reinforcements the party delved deeper into the cave.  Ahead, in another large cavern they could see three zombies.  Dressed as a jester, a bear and a lady they seemed to be acting out some unidentifiable macabre scene. This did not distract the adventurers who slashed, pierced and bludgeoned the zombies into submission.  One zombie was unrelenting and arose twice from defeat before being eternally vanquished.  Balderich, the human fighter, took the wig from the lady zombie.  Why? Only time will tell.

Deeper into the caves they ventured.  It was at this point the wizard Adran's fingers started to get itchy.  For reasons known only to himself he began to argue with Arnogall the ranger.  "I don't like the way he's been looking at me" Adran muttered while seemingly contemplating which spell to unleash on his fellow adventurer.  Deciding against mutiny Adran backed down but still seemed eager to fight.

Eventually the party found that the tunnel opened out into a large room that looked like a crude workshop.  Adran rushed to investigate, athletically leaping over his companions.  However only Balderich followed, the others reluctant to help the upstart mage.  In the room they saw cadavers on stone slabs, body parts in baskets, embalming tools and four reanimated skeletons.  Behind these a hooded figure turned and ran into the darkness.  Three of the skeletons advanced on Adran and Balderich.  The fourth, a far larger horned skeleton, lumbered slowly behind.  Adran fought bravely but was knocked out, and Balderick was badly beaten before the others rushed in.  All the skeletons were easily defeated except for the large minotaur skeleton.  It's greataxe tore through flesh and could down an adventurer with one blow.  Surrounding the undead beast, the warriors eventually battered it down.  Drowyn used his remaining spells to heal the most wounded of the party, pausing before reluctantly restoring the troublesome Adran back to consciousness.

The party investigated the room.  Bamophet found a pair of bracers on the downed minotaur which Adran confirmed were magical but their precise effects could not be determined.  Deciding it was safe, the party stopped for a short rest amongst the bones, bodies and bare stone.


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