The Manticore Jigsaw

As the sun set on the Sighing Valley below, Arnogall, Drowyn, Jarlier, Skonn, Smiley and Sorin readied themselves for the manticore hunt. Thurl Merosska, Lord Commander of the Feathergale Society had provided six hippogriffs for The Adventurers to ride.

"Manticores are dangerous creatures. You may want to pick up your friends in Red Larch before facing the beast. The hippogriffs could have you there and back in no time," Thurl suggested.

The group decided to split in two with Skonn, Arnogall and Smiley attempting to find the manticore while Drowyn, Jarlier and Sorin flew to Red Larch to retrieve Baphomet, Balderich and Kilnaar. Four Feathergale Knights, riding giant vultures, also set off on the hunt but The Adventurers chose not to hunt with them.

Skonn, Arnogall and Smiley began their search for the manticore but instead found a giant vulture eating carrion on the rocks below while four perytons circled above. They chose to move on. They flew over the Sighing Valley towards the river. Eventually they found the Manticore and after a brief skirmish decided to follow at a distance. Smiley, sharing a hippogriff with Skonn, had hit the beast with an arrow and felt mighty good about it. The rest of The Adventurers soon joined after Drowyn had luckily spotted them from across the valley.

Now in full force, The Adventurers attacked and surrounded the Manticore leaving it with no option but to fight. After a quick fight, Balderich delivered the killing blow and the manticore tumbled to the valley below. The group followed and Balderich threw his trusty skeleton arm at the beast to make sure it was dead. There then followed a grizzly scene as the victors hacked off different parts of the corpse as trophies. First, Balderich decapitated it and also took an arm to add to his collection. Jarlier chopped off a claw, Kilnaar took the tail and Baphomet expertly removed the heart.

Keen to continue the hunt and further satisfy their bloodlust, The Adventurers flew in the direction the manticore was heading with the hope of finding its lair. As they flew an arrow whistled by. Below, they could see four gnolls and four giant hyenas. Hurt from the previous encounter, the group were reluctant to engage but Drowyn had other ideas. He shouted, "Humans. All talk and no action. I'll give you action!" as his hippogriff swooped down towards the gnolls. The rest of the party followed and grumbled as they steered their mounts to attack.


The battle went badly despite their aerial advantage and Kilnaar's mighty breath attack. Skonn was knocked unconscious, Baphomet lost an eye and Smiley got his leather armour dirty while hiding on a rock. The tide seemed to turn when Jarlier guided his hippogriff straight at a gnoll, picked him up and dropped him from up high. The impact from the fall killed the gnoll but strangely no one else chose to repeat this feat. The other gnolls soon fell and after taking some damage the giant hyenas fled.

Worried that another fight could be too much for the party they returned to Feathergale Spire. The feast had continued and the Great Hall was full of laughter, music and chatter. The Adventurers entered and the hall fell silent. Balderich presented to the head to Thurl and Skonn bellowed,

"We have slain the monstrous beast and have returned to claim our reward."

As promised Thurl gave his ring to Balderich. He also invited the group to join the Feathergale Society asking only that they continued their heroic deeds under the banner of the Feathergale Knights. He also offered them black feathered cloaks of featherfall, use of the spire as a base and the hippogriffs. The Adventurers conferred and accepted. Delighted Thurl welcomed them to the society and motioned for his guards to hand out the promised cloaks. He also presented them with a map of the area.
Thurl's ring

The Adventurers, except for Arnogall, went to the armoury, helping themselves to weapons and helms. Arnogall tried the magic key in the adjacent door. It turned and clicked in a way he had not experienced before. Opening the door to what he knew was the dormitory he instead found a small room with a counter and a gnome peering over.

The gnome cleared his throat and said,

"Welcome to Jeremy's magic shop. How may I help you?"


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