Stolen Eggs and Distant Towers

At daybreak Arnogall, Drowyn, Jarlier, Smiley and Sorin resolved to investigate the rumors of a werewolf in Red Larch.  Skonn followed at the back of the party, as he was not feeling his usual self.  Balderich overslept and remained in the boarding house.  Kilnaar and Baphomet continued to help guard the prisoners at the Constable's shop.

Before heading off to the site of the cattle attack, the party went to Ironhead's for a replacement rapier for Arnogall.  Due to the increasing paranoia in town, Ironhead's stocks were running low.  The half orc offered Arnogall a scimitar but he refused deeming it too expensive.  The party left the store and Arnogall again tried the magic key in Ironhead's door.  He felt it turn around in the lock but nothing discernible happened.

Ironhead drives a hard bargain

The party ventured to the site described by Ahhbeorht and found a carcass being picked at by four giant vultures.  As they approached, the vultures flew off to a nearby ancient oak tree.  The party found the carcass decomposing and without any skin and could work out that it had been attacked by a large beast, its heart had been ripped out and it had been skillfully skinned. There were no distinguishable tracks for the party to follow.  They approached the oak tree and the vultures attacked.  The birds posed no serious threat but their razor like talons caused some damage.  Smiley heroically positioned himself in the middle of the group, lying on the floor to avoid the vultures as best he could.  
Jarlier and Drowyn scaled the oak tree with the latter falling from half way up, hitting the ground hard.  At the top of the tree Jarlier found and took three eggs in the nests of the vultures.  After dusting himself off Droywn examined the surrounding landscape and saw a tower far off in the distance.  As it would be another three days before the blacksmith finished silvering the party's weapons they decided to set off to the tower, reckoning they could get there by the afternoon.  

On the way the party met some shepherds.  They were simple farming folk and did not prove useful to the party.  Arriving at the tower they found it manned by an order of knights calling themselves the Feathergale Society.  Built from white limestone and embellished in marble, the spire resembles a gleaming sword that pierces the sky.  Knights could be seen circling the tower on giant vulture mounts.  The party talked to a guard, Gauwill, and once Drowyn had offered Jarlier's giant vulture eggs as a gesture of good will, the party were admitted to the tower.  The watch captain Savra, offered the party use of the dormitory and invited them to stay for the Knight's Feast taking place that evening.  The party accepted and she suggested they meet the commander of the tower, Thurl Merosska.

Feathergale Spire

Arnogall took the opportunity to rest in the dorms.  Drowyn and Jarlier descended the central staircase to the stables.  Instead of horses they found more giant vultures and hippogriffs.  Jarlier approached one of the hippogriffs but the stable master shouted him to stop as the beast was getting extremely agitated and dangerous.  Drowyn cast a spell to detect good and evil and felt the lingering mark of an evil act emanating from the top of the tower.  They both climbed the stairs to the spire's pinnacle finding Smiley, Sorin and Skonn up there with an ornately dressed knight.  A spyglass had been set up looking down into the valley.  Sorin looked through it and saw a hooded figure enter a concealed door in a gully below noting the exact location.

The knight introduced himself as Thurl Merosska, Lord Commander of the Feathergale Society.  He explained that The Feathergale Society was an “elite” group of aerial mount enthusiasts from Waterdeep who look to do their duty for the realm.  He asked them about their adventures and what name the group were known by.  "The Adventurers" replied Drowyn.  

Lord Commander Thurl Merosska

Later at the feast Thurl again asked the group to regale the assembled knights with their recent adventures.  Drowyn recounted the rescue of the blacksmith's daughter who he said was returned safe and sound to her family.  As Sorin was about the explain the recent events in Red Larch, the doors to the great hall flew open and a sentry from the pinnacle exclaimed, “Manticore! It’s on the move!”  From his finger Thurl removed a feather-patterned golden ring set with a garnet and held it aloft, saying, “A prize for the one who brings me the beast’s head!”
The fearsome Manticore

The Adventurers were invited to join the hunt and accepted.  They made their way back to the pinnacle finding six saddled hippogriffs ready to fly.  Knights riding giant vultures swirled above the party's heads with the sound of hunting horns and squawking vultures filling twilight sky.


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