Killed the dragon but still petrified

(Scroll for tl;dr)

As Skonn, Sorin, Arnogall, Baldepoor, Aubrey and Baphomet took their seats in the speaker’s dining room, the members of the town council drifted in. Speaker Wiston introduced them one by one:

  • Delora Zann (Human, Female): Once a member of the famed Golden Drake Company, a band of renowned adventurers.  She retired to Drellin’s Ferry some years ago. 
  • Iormel (Human, Male): A wealthy landowner who has been on the Town Council for thirty years or more.
  • Kellin Shadowbanks (Halfling, Male): Head of the Shadowbanks clan and proprietor of the Old Bridge Inn.
  • Captain Soranna Anitah (Human Male): Leader of the Town Guard, captain of the militia, and chief constable. A former merchants’ guard captain who travelled widely before settling in Drillin’s Ferry.
Wiston set the scene, showing the council members the map and letter that The Adventurers™ had discovered.

“Well, now you all know why we’re here.  In a matter of days we’re going to have a tribe of goblins, hobgoblins, and monsters on our doorsteps. What do we do? Fight? Try to talk to them? Abandon the town and flee? Or do nothing and hope to Pelor they don’t come this way?”

The council members responded in turn.

Delora: "I’ve seen towns put to the sword before. Death or slavery await us if we remain
here. We must gather the things we can and flee east, the sooner the better!”

Iormel: "We can’t let them take everything we’ve worked so hard for, just because we lack the nerve to stand up to this hobgoblin rabble!”

Kellin: "They want treasure, don’t they? Let’s give it to them this time, but see to our defences. If they come back next year and ask for more, we’ll be ready to fight then"

Soranna: "I've three dozen good residents trained and armed.  They should be able to fend off a hobgoblin tribe.  The rest of the residents are untrained peasants so they can't be counted on to defend the town if the goblin force is bigger than we think."

Wiston then turned to The Adventures™ and asked what they thought. They advised to stay and defend the town, arming as many residents as possible to hold in reserve and being ready to cut the ferry rope. In order to get their help defending the town, Wiston offered them four thousand gold pieces and help in repairing Wrath Keep.  "That's Skonn's Keep"  Skonn said loudly.  Aubrey also managed to persuade Delora to stay and fight with them. 

They asked whether reinforcements could be sought from Brindol, the major city in the region. Wiston explained that a request could be made but there was no guarantee that help would be given by the Lord of Brindol. The Adventurers™ said they would go there and explain the threat posed by the goblinoid tribes. Wiston insisted that they bring his clerk, Athond who could vouch that the party spoke for Drellin’s Ferry. They were reluctant for Athond to travel with them as the party planned to return to Yartar first and retrieve the lost orb, before travelling to Brindol to request aid for the town. They reckoned they had six days before the attack on Drillin's Ferry based on the map and their clearing up of Wrath Keep.  Upon meeting Athond they believed they could manipulate him to go along with their plans in case he realised they weren’t going to Brindol first.

After the council meeting, Aubrey sent up his glowing lights to signal the hippogriffs and the party set off to Yartar. They were on their way out of the Elsir Vale following the river to Yartar. Just as the forest ended, they passed an outpost manned by Orcs. It wasn't there the last time they came this way. The Orcs begin to shout and the sound of a horn could be heard in the distance. There was a commotion in the treeline beneath them and the breaking of thick branches could be heard. Birds took flight in all directions and something large and green could be seen below moving quickly. It spread great bat like wings, let out a deafening roar and took flight. A green dragon sailed through the sky followed by six cockatrices.

Sorin and Arnogall pummelled the dragon with Foe Crusher arrows. Before landing the final blow, Arnogall was hit with the dragon's breath attack but managed to survive the poison. The third arrow pierced the beast's skull and it tumbled to the ground. The flock of cockatrices were easily dealt with but not before Skonn and Baphomet were hit and quickly turned to stone, falling to the ground. Sorin clumsily attempted to dissect the dragon in the hope of removing useful parts. The only part not damaged by his blundering was the Draconis Fundamentum, the source of the dragon's breath weapon.  Arnogall hacked away at the dragon's neck damaging the already skewered head.  It looked dragon like but would not make an impressive trophy.  He took it to the now abandoned outpost, hanging it there with a note saying "The Adventurers
™ did this."

Aubrey suggested they leave the two statues of Skonn and Baphomet in the forest and pick them up the following day when they turn back to normal. Instead the statues were tied them to a hippogriff each and the group continued to Yartar.

They flew over the city directly to the Pearl Handled Pipe Inn, landing outside and causing a bit of a spectacle. The statues were dragged inside causing all the patrons to stop and watch. A few people quickly left the Inn.  All eyes were on the party and then a number of people turned to look at a poster on the wall. The wanted poster depicted four portraits that closely resembled Smiley, Aubrey, Skonn and Arnogall. A hush fell over the tavern.

tl;dr The town council were persuaded to defend the town from the hobgoblin attack, the party promised to go to Brindol for aid but instead went to Yartar, on the way they killed a dragon but Skonn and Baphomet were temporarily turned to stone, in Yartar they realise some of them were wanted for robbery.


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