
Image result for 5e cloaker

From the tombs, The Adventurers headed back to the Air Portal with Skonn leading the way. They were approached by a cultist called Aubrey Marblebelly who was having second thoughts about being in the cult and wanted out.  He asked the party to help him escape. Skonn was reluctant and eventually tied Audrey up declaring he had another prisoner to sacrifice.  Whilst Skonn marched off, Drowyn searched some long abandoned shops for armour to replace his damaged set.  Baphomet and Jarlier joined him and they were attacked by a winged creature, which would bite and hold onto its prey, temporarily blinding and suffocating them.  The creature hid behind some rubble and when Drowyn peered over he saw three of the things.  At that point the heroes turned and ran, catching up with the others at the prisoner holding area in the howling caves.  

Skonn told the priests he intended to complete the ritual and the party returned to the Air Portal with one of the priests.  Lightning from the portal struck the ground and two armoured air elementals appeared but remained stationary.  This did not deter Skonn who marched up to the altar and pushed Desenya onto it.  He raised Windvane high and was just about to bring it down on to her when Drowyn hit him with his Greataxe causing Skonn to drop the spear.  Arnogall also loosed and arrow at Skonn and he was knocked unconscious by the damage. Jarlier attacked the Air Priest with Aubrey helping while the air elementals began to swirl their lightning imbued flails and advance on the party.  Sorin was first to react and ran towards Windvane and threw it into the portal, causing it to close and destroying Windvane in the process. On seeing this, the Air Priest slit his own throat and dropped to the floor but the elementals continued their advance.  The Adventures stood and fought for a moment but quickly decided to run.  Desenya was instantly killed by the impact of a flail.  The party made it out of the cavern but the elementals pursued them. 

The Adventurers were now running for their lives. Skonn, Baphomet, Drowyn and Arnogall fell behind and were attacked by the elementals the other continues to run getting clear danger.  Skonn and Baphomet were knocked unconscious but Drowyn who was still wounded from the previous encounter, was killed.  Arnogall eventually managed to get away, catching up with the others in the holding area.  Here Jarlier tried to convince the priests that the ritual was still being performed by Skonn but the priests grew suspicious due to the injured nature of some in the party, Aubrey chastising Jarlier for his unconvincing account and the fact that yet again, a priest had failed to return with the party.  Aubrey began to raise his sword, taking aim one of the priests.  Jarlier decided to cut his losses and headed for the exit with Baphomet following.  The elementals appeared behind the party ready to attack but the priests dismissed them and the elementals instantly vanished into thin air.  The priests left to investigate the Air Portal.

Image result for dead dwarfThe party went back and revived Skonn and Baphomet. Jarlier unceremoniously looted the still warm corpse of Drowyn, (although he did a better job than when Smiley looted a deceased Balderich).  One of the party placed a single stone on their fallen comrade but no one thought to say a prayer to the dead cleric's god.  The party decided not to return to the Air Portal and instead headed to the surface.  As they retraced their steps they did not see any other cultists, only discarded robes and weapons littering the ancient dwarven city.

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Eventually they found themselves back in the valley basking in the glow of mid morning. Their hippogriffs were nowhere to be seen.  Fresh tracks of humans sized creatures led away from the cavern in all directions. The party returned to Feathergale Spire, had breakfast and rested for a short while. Before setting off for Red Larch they tried the magical key and re-entered Jeremy's magic shop.  Stood behind the counter, they found a human rugged in appearance, with cropped black hair and soft amber eyes who claimed to be Jeremy.  The party bought and sold some items preparing for the battles that lay ahead.  


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