The "Gary" Fiasco

With one bandit remaining, the adventurers began to surround him.  Balderich leapt up to join the fray having been feigning unconsciousness.  Try as they might, they could not finish the bandit while he dodged around the cage, then attempted to escape.  They eventually battered him within an inch of his life.  He surrendered and begged for mercy.  Jarlier took the Tricorne hat from the bandit.  Meanwhile, Smiley took the other Tricorne hat from a dead bandit and investigated the unconscious heavily armoured fighter.  The fighter was Constable Harburk,  and Smiley successfully healed him after a few attempts.  Smiley also checked out the bandit's wagon, finding a wooden box with a piece of cheese on top and a mouse inside.  Feeding the mouse cheese, Smiley discovered that it would perform a trick.  He named the mouse Ratty.

Following the battle, the party focused their attention on the creature in the cage.  Skonn was first to recognise it as an Owlbear.  Drowyn asked the captured bandit his name and why he had captured an Owlbear.  The bandit, Gery "Gary" Daley explained that he and his friends had captured the Owlbear just because they could and had not really though what to do with it.  They had been unable to move on from the camp as the Owlbear had had eaten their horses.  The party saw no reason to doubt this explanation although they were surprised at his unusual and uncommon name.  

After much deliberation the party decided the free the Owlbear, tying a length of rope to the cage and piling the bodies of the recently deceased near the cage.  Hiding in the bushes they pulled the rope, opened the cage and ran.  The creature devoured the corpses and pursued the party at a distance, stopping when the party stopped.  Arnogall rejoined the group and suggested they throw a sausage at the animal.  Although it ate the snack, the Owlbear ran into the woods when Sorin started to approach it. 

back in Red Larch the party sold their unwanted equipment at Ironhead's, dropping off the Constable at his house on the way.  Balderich attempted to sell the Half-Orc a skeleton arm.  Seeing that he was badly wounded and clearly not thinking straight Ironhead took pity on him and gave him a helm for free.

The adventurers continued on to the Bath House to speak to the owner Haeleeya.  She had sent Sorin, Arnogall and Skonn a letter requesting their help.  They discovered that she was a member of the elusive Emerald Enclave and they could join this brotherhood if they proved themselves by finding the werewolf hiding in Red Larch.  They agreed and she directed them to Ahhbeorht, whose cattle were the latest victim of the beast.  Looking for the farmer in the Swinging Sword they were told by the barkeep that Ahhbeorht would not be there until sundown.

The Emerald Enclave

In the meantime they decided to go to the blacksmith's to enquire about silvered weapons.  Sorin had realised only silvered or magical weapons would work against the werewolf.  In the smithy they found the blacksmith's wife who was furious with them.  Her husband was one of the Elders taken into custody, charged with murder.  She also blamed them for the disappearance of her daughter Bess.  She went ballistic and started throwing things.  Drowyn took an iron right on the chin and Arnogall was hit by a pot (which he kept) before the party quickly left. 

They returned to Ironhead's to enquire about magic weapons.  Suspicious of magic he explained he did not keep any but did have a magical key. They key, he said, would work in any door and take them to a magic shop; although he'd never actually tried it himself.  He also refused to let them test the key fearing it would cause some sort of catastrophe.  Although he dropped his price for 400 gp, the party were still reluctant to pay so high a price for something so risky and unproven.  Smiley attempted to pickpocket Ironhead while distracting him with his performing mouse but he failed.  Eventually they decided to buy the key and they parted with their gold.  

What will the key unlock?

Arnogall immediately tried the key in the blacksmith's door.  He felt it turn around and opened the door only to be faced with the angry blacksmith's wife.  He quickly closed the door.  He tried another door but this time the key would not turn and nothing happened.  

The party returned to the Constable's and explained they believed a werewolf to be on the loose and asked if the blacksmith could be allowed to help them.  Exasperated at the dangerous events that had occured since the party's arrival in town Harburk agreed to let them talk to the blacksmith.  After the blacksmith explained that he could silver their weapons in four days, just before the next full moon, Harburk agreed to allow him back to the forge under armoured guard.  The adventurers gave the blacksmith some of their weapons and some silver and he set to work.  

The Blacksmith

Returning to the Swinging Sword, Sorin, Arnogall and Skonn questioned Ahhbeorht, discovering the location of his butchered cattle.  They paid for his food and drink.  Drowyn held out his hand to Ahhbeorht and palmed him a silver coin.  The silver had no ill effect on the farmer and he was happy to be a little richer.  Balderick then gave him a gold piece.  Sorin also showed him a moonstone, but it did not have any effect on the farmer.  Receiving such generosity, Ahhbeorht's view of adventures changed but he did not have anything else he could tell them. 

Retiring to the boarding house the adventures rested, readying themselves to continue the search for the werewolf.  


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