The Rotten Core of Red Larch

The party fought the Black Earth priest, Larrakh; except for Arnogal and Baphomet who stayed hidden in the shadows and Kilnaar who guarded the entrance to the chamber.  The priest proved a tricky opponent to hit but was eventually defeated, with Skonn cleaving the priest's leg clean off.  On his corpse the party found four shaped metal bars.  Drowyn recognised this as the distinctive currency as trade bars from the city of Mirabar.  Skonn took the priest's glaive and Jarlier donned the priest's splint armour.  Finding nothing else of note the party left the cavern taking Baragustas with them.

Chamber of the moving stones

The tunnel exiting the caves led them to a quarry on the outskirts of Red Larch.  A sign reading "Mellikho Stone Works" marked the boundary of the quarry.   Baragustas had implicated Mellikho in the murder of the travellers found in the caverns.  He also claimed she was one of the town elders and a member of the Believers.  Ahead an office could be seen and the party went straight in, finding Mellikho sitting at a desk.  She initially paid them little attention but started to get flustered when they began asking questions about the Believers and the murders with Skonn eventually forcing a confession from her.  She admitted to being a believer and knowing of the murders but claimed she was not directly involved in them.  

Drowyn suggested they take Mellikho to the Constable and they headed off to his house.  The party were met outside by his wife Jalessa and four heavily armed town guards.  She demanded to know what they had been doing in the caverns and why they had Mellikho as their prisoner.  They explained their recent discoveries to her but she still did not trust them after Adran had earlier that day threatened one of the elders (Dornen) in front of the whole town.  The Constable was still missing and the whole town was on high alert.  The adventurers suggested they go and look for the Constable while Kilnaar, Arnogal and Baphomet stay with the prisoners.  Jarlessa agreed.

The party returned to Ironhead's weapon shop and sold their unwanted items.  He paid a good price as his stock had been depleted with many of the townsfolk deciding to arm themselves after the incident with the sinkhole.  The party continued to Mother Yolantha's boarding house.  On the way there a small boy approached them with letters for the party.  The adventurer's opened them to find different requests for help from some of the townsfolk.  Sorin took the letters for Kilnaar, Adran, Baphomet and Arnogall.  The boy received a silver piece from Sorin and a gold one from Drowyn for his trouble.  

Arriving at Mother Yolantha's boarding house, the adventurers found the place buzzing with chatter.  They kept hearing the words "Mirabar" and "missing delegation" being repeated over and over.  Mother Yolantha approached them and asked them if they were here for a room.  She rented out a room each for 1 silver piece.  She then asked if there were in town to search for the missing delegation from Mirabar.  She explained that a heavily armed delegation left the city of Mirabar and were heading to Summit Hall but never showed up.  They were last seen in the town of Beliard.  Sorin asked where Mirabar was and was told it was north on the Long Road about 400 miles from Red Larch.  Mother Yolanta was also asked if there was a reward for finding the delegation but she did not know.  All she knew was that the delegation was heavily armed and if they have been attacked then it was not safe for anyone in the wilderness.

The party settled down for the night and in the morning set off to find Constable Harburk and the bandits he was worried about.  After three hours travel on the Carin Road, the party heard the sound of steel clashing with steel.  Sorin and Smiley sneaked atop a hill to see if they could spot the source of the sound.  In the distance they saw four humans wearing random pieces of armour attacking a large, heavily armoured figure.  The lone fighter was knocked down and did not get back up.  The bandits had set up camp here with some tents and a wagon dotted about.  Towards the back of the camp was a cage.  Sorin could make out a large creature in the cage but could not work out what it was.  One of the bandits thought he saw something on the hilltop and took up a lookout position but he did not spot anyone.  Returning to the party Sorin and Smiley explained what they had seen and the party readied themselves to attack the bandits.  

Bandit Camp

As battle commenced, two of the bandits were easily killed but the other two, wearing distinctive tricorne hats with a large feather in, were much tougher.  The mighty Skonn and fearless Balderich were knocked unconscious but one of the remaining bandits was killed.  The other lurked near the cage.

The fight continues...


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