The Mud Sorcerer

As they tended their wounds, the rock in Aubrey's pocket started to speak.  "Zeran, have the intruders been dealt with? We’re sending all remaining mages to the hall. The Mud Sorcerer is also on route so watch out!"

Aubrey recognised the item as a Sending Stone and realise he would reply with a short message.  He said that the intruders had been dealt with and there was no need to send anyone else.  There was no response and The Adventurers™️ waited nervously while they looked over a Staff of Swarming and a Ring of Spell storing that had been found on the cultists.  Garon sensibly took up a defensive position in the corner of the hall while the others huddled around the glowing campfire.  More cultists appeared from two difference corridors and four gargoyles suddenly barred the exit from the Temple. Unfortunately Garon had positioned himself near to a sorcerer and his Stone Golem.  He desperately tried to disorientate and harry them, unleashing a thick swarm of locusts from his newly acquired staff.  His attempts were in vain as a the golem moved towards him surprisingly quickly and beat the warlock unconscious.  

The party fought on while the sorcerer tried to separate the party using a Wall of Stone spell.  The attackers were broken when Sorin fired a Foecrusher arrow at the golem almost destroying it.  However it lumbered towards him whilst dragging the unconscious Garon behind him before a further volley of Sorin’s arrows eventually defeated it.  Skonn downed cultists for fun as Balderpoor ‘s Flame Sword spell skewered a Stone Melder through the heart, killing it instantly.

The party looted the corpse, taking their mundane weapons and also acquired four diamonds, a scroll of polymorph, the sorcerers spellbook, the other sending stone, and a note with directions to something called The Fane. The letter said “The portal is not working as it should.  I will meditate at The Fane.  See that I am not disturbed. M.”

They rested in that evil place but were not interrupted as there didn’t seem to any cultists left on this level.  Deciding to follow the directions to the Fane, the heroes descended another ancient dwarves staircase. However they then took a detour finding a dwarven tomb with a faint magical aura but failed to discern its source.  Continuing the wander aimlessly in the deep caverns, they came across a pair of giants sitting at a table arguing.  One of the giants challenged the party to a game of noughts and crosses with a 10gp wager.  Skonn accepted and won, infuriating the giant.  He picked the barbarian up and dangled him upside down from his ankle shaking his winnings out of him.  Skonn slashed at the giant with his axe, as a fight inevitably broke out.


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