The Light That Burns Half As Long...

(Scroll for TL;DR)

Skonn slashed at the giant with a hand axe and managed to get free of its grip.  The giants were tough but eventually bested, with Skonn and Sorin each strikingly a killing blow.  Garon hurled spells from a safe distance, managing to stay conscious in this fight.  The giants didn’t have many items of interest except for a kite shaped gem that pulsated with an eerie glow.  Garon examined it but did not believe it to be magical.  They found a strange suit of armour in a crate by the giant’s bed.  On closer inspection the party found that the armour was solid and could be fitted together.  In the chest plate was a kite shaped recess and the party immediately placed the gem in it.  The armour came to life and started to speak.  It was disorientated and said that its name was Warden. It had been a bodyguard for the Hand of Yartar.  It agreed to follow the party as it believed the earth cult was responsible for its disassembling.   Balderpoor announced that he needed to return to the surface as he had been separated from nature for too long.

One of the exits from the giant’s room was lined with glowing purple crystals and it seemed to descend as far as the eye could see in the gloom.  The party decided to go that way and found themselves in a long cavern with two guards in front of two statues at the other end.  The guards shouted for the party to identify themselves and Sorin replied saying they were on business from Hellenrae.  When asked what business they had down here, Sorin hesitated and Skonn charged at the guards.  Before he got to them they threw two fist sized stones into they middle of the room which melted into the ground. Where they disappeared two Earth Elementals erupted into being.  Warden attacked the elementals but was pounded to the ground and stopped moving.  While the elementals attacked the rest of the party, a guard kept beating on Warden and eventually the light from the gem in his chest went out.  The elementals almost killed the rest of The Adventurers™️ with Skonn being rocked on his heels.  Balderpoor reappeared and joined the fight, helping Sorin to kill all four of the cultists.  They collected Warden and unable to revive him they disassembled and stowed him away.

There was only one exit from this cavern so they continued on.  The tunnel led to a circular chamber where the party found a Black Earth Priest pouring precious gemstones into the mouth of a stout three legged creature who seemed to be eating the gems.  The priest noticed the party but ignored them until he’d ran out of gems.  He explained that the creature had been sent by the mighty Ogremoch and it demanded an offering of precious stones or metal.  Garon identified the creature as a Xorn, native to the Elemental Plane of Earth.  Sorin stepped up and dropped a large amethyst into the beast.  It said something incomprehensible and the priest explained it wanted more to eat. Skonn took up a position behind the Xorn as Sorin dropped some poison mushrooms into its mouth.  The Xorn growled as its mouth closed and it lashed out at Sorin and Skonn and Balderpoor attempted to strike it.

(TL;DR Killed two hill giants, found an automaton called Warden. Warden later killed by Earth Elementals.  Found a priest feeding jewels to a Xorn.  Sorin fed it poisoned mushrooms and it attacked.)


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