The Edge of the Wytchwood

Skonn and Arnogall landed their Hippogriff outside of Drillin's Ferry and headed towards the town, instructing the Hippogriff to go and hunt.  At the outskirts of the town was a wooden watch tower.  A guard questioned the two strangers and explained that the town was on edge as there had been more Hobgoblin raids than normal.  Skonn and Arnogall waited in the town common and were shortly joined by Jarlier, Sorin, Balderpoor and Wolfgang who also flew in on Hippogriffs. 

The group went to the Old Bridge Inn and saw a mysterious man sat in the corner of the bar wearing commoner clothes. He looked worried. Wolfgang approached and asked what was troubling him.  The man said he'd seen an omen this morning that signified the end of the world.  Balderpoor, who was well practiced at interpreting omens, asked what the man had seen. He explained that a bird of prey had hopped from a rabbit hole, glared at him and returned back down the hole.  Balderpoor thought on this and exclaimed the omen suggested that nature was being perverted.  Despite the man being persuaded that armageddon was not to occur that evening his mood failed to improve much.

The Adventurers™ sought out the town's leader Speaker Wiston.  Outside the largest building in  town they found two guards stationed.  They asked to talk to Speaker Wiston offering their help with the recent Hobgoblin raids.  A guard showed them inside where a tall, balding man of about fifty who wore a neatly trimmed salt-and-pepper beard introduced himself as Speaker Wiston.  He explained he was concerned about the recent raids and worried that they were somehow being co-ordinated.  Sorin doubted this as his knowledge of hobgoblins and orcs suggested that they would not be capable of working together in large enough groups to threaten the town.  He felt Wiston was paranoid and wondered whether he had something to hide.  Wiston offered them 500 gp each if they went into the Wytchwood and investigated the recent attacks.  The group asked if he had heard of Wrath Keep and whether hobgoblins could be using it as a base to launch their raids from.  Wiston thought this was possible although the ruins were said to be haunted.  Wiston also suggested they seek out the town wizard who may be able to help them further.  

The wizard lived on the north edge of town on the banks of the river.  After Balderpoor knocked on the door and insulted the wizard's intelligence he refused to let them in unless they could answer a riddle.  

"What's in a forest but does not grow, 
The Trees know it but it does not show. 
When asked about it they will let it go, 
It breathes life into those that know."

The Adventurers correctly guessed the answer was the air.  Inside they found Sertieren the Wise in a large room with bookcases, strange instruments and books on lecterns whose pages were turning of their own accord.  Skonn reached out and touched one of the books and the wizard immediately levitated him out of the building.  He threatened to lightning bolt the next person to disturb his property.  Sertieren showed them some different magical items and Sorin bought some hollow tipped arrows.  After this the party searched the town for a blacksmith.  They found a smith called Morlin who was busy making weapons to replenish the town armory after Speaker Wiston had called up the militia.  Sorin and Jarlier sold all of the spare weapons they'd taken from the cultists and pirates the party had recently murdered.  Morlin said he'd sort out the stash and deliver the gold to Wiston as he didn't have time to sort our payment now.  (The stash was bought for 721 gold pieces)

The party then crossed the river via ferry and set out to track down a local guide, Jorr and the ruined keep in the Wytchwood.  On the way they were ambushed by hobgoblins at the edge of the forest.  The creatures were easily defeated with Skonn, Arnogall and Sorin distinguishing themselfs in battle.  One hobgoblin feigned death in the hope of surviving.  Jarlier looted the hobgoblin cleric finding a five headed scourge with dragon motifs and a pendant with a five pointed star made from some animal teeth.  

The cleric's pendant
Skonn began to interrogate the remaining hobgoblin, lifting him by the throat, threatening to crush his neck.  The hobgoblin struggled and strained and exclaimed in a croaky shriek "You may have won today, stupid humans, but our day is coming! The Red Hand will destroy you all!"


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