Ritual, Interrupted.

The adventurers fought a fire snake and a swarm of snakes that had been mistakenly summoned by a small girl, whom the adventurers were trying to rescue. Sorin expertly weaponised his water skin causing double damage to the fire snake and Adran blasted it with a Ray of Frost. Everyone managed to avoid being poisoned by the snakes. The girl explained she was the blacksmith's daughter, Bess.  She was very upset that her ritual had been interrupted and she sobbed. She said she had been treated like a slave by her father and was trying to summon a pegasus so she could fly away and leave her old life behind her. After some persuasion she agreed to come back to town but only if the adventurers took her back to the Constable.

In this room was a large statue of a knight on a plinth, holding aloft a silver horn.  On the plinth was an inscription which read "If you are to keep this, you must first give it to me."  Smiley, the halfing rogue, climbed up the statue to retrieve the horn.  He examined it and stored it in his backpack. A chest in the corner of the room contained treasure, potions, a scroll and a book.  The adventurers took the contents but not before Smiley secretly took the gemstones.  On opening the book a far away voice could be heard warning the group, "And I heard, as it were, the noise of thunder One of the four beasts saying, 'Come and see.' and I saw, and behold a white horse. And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts And I looked, and behold a pale horse And his name that sat on him was Death, and chaos followed with him." As the voice stopped the book turned to dust in Drowyn's hands.

Returning to Constable Harburk the party talked him into rewarding them for rescuing Bess.  However, he was unhappy that the party had not yet investigated the bandits on the Carin road.  He told them to get on with it.

Instead, the party headed to Ironhead Arms to buy some better weapons.  They bought a few items and Adran the Wizard decided to purchase a couple of daggers.  They then went to the Swinging Sword Inn to get some food and rest.  While there, they spoke to a female patron who complained of some sort of evil presence out of town near Lance Rock.  She claimed it was fey magic and her sheep refused to graze there.  She offered 50gp if the party could find out what was causing the disturbance and fix it.

After a good night's sleep most of the party left for Lance Rock.  Smiley left a note with a map for Bamophet and the unnamed human fighter who were still sleeping and could not be roused.

Before entering the cave, hand painted signs warned of plague telling treasure hunters to keep out.  The brave adventurers pressed on.  In the cave they found a dead body that seemed to have been decomposing for some time.  Sneaking further they found a large room with a raised stone slab in the middle covered in blood.  Two zombies were spotted on a high ledge preparing a trap.  Adran  deemed these creatures unworthy of his mighty magic and eager to use his shiny new daggers he threw one right at a zombie's head, knocking it from the ledge.  The zombies were quickly dealt with.  Arnogall, the human ranger, was left with a zombie finger caught in his armour.  He decided to keep it there as a trophy, ignoring its putrid smell.

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