
(Scroll for tl;dr)

Sorin dropped the poisoned mushrooms down the Xorn’s throat.  Its mouth snapped shut and a noise like stone grinding together could be heard in its stomach.  The Xorn convulsed as Skonn attacked it from behind.  A Dragonborn cleric appeared and rushed to the party’s aid.  The Xorn gained some composure and lashed out at the party as the priest, who had been feeding gems to the Xorn, was quickly cut down.  Once the Xorn had been dealt with Sorin slashed at where he expected the stomach to be, looking for the treasure that had been poured down its throat.  He eventually found some gems and gold while Aubrey found a magic scroll on the priest.  The dragonborn, Fendril explained that he had been hired by the Lord’s Alliance to eradicate the Black Earth Cult.  He and his friends had fought their way through the monastery and mines but only the dragon born had survived.  They decided to join forced for now.  Balderpoor had disappeared again during the battle, probably scared off by a odd rock formation he took to be a bad omen.  

In the next cavern a stalactite came to life and tried to grab Fendril and Aubrey but missed. Aubrey blinded it with a swarm of hundreds of butterflies, completely neutralising it.  In another cavern they discovered densely packed glowing crystal formations growing as if they were foliage.  Here they also found a dead cultist but nothing of note on the body.  Something confused Skonn and he walked round in circles muttering to himself before Garon led him out.  They exited the crystal cavern in the direction of a roaring avalanche sound that seemed to be falling constantly.  A tight five foot high tunnel ended abruptly where a curtain of continuously falling mud blocked the way.  Garon used mage hand to peer through it and saw a chamber on the other side.  Aubrey stuck an iron rod into the falling mud but the force of the debris ripped it from his hands. 

The group doubled back to the crystal cavern and through the north west exit.  The next chamber was so large they couldn’t see how far it went on but they could see it was about 40ft wide.  They could also hear something that resembled rocks clacking together.  Cautiously they crept in a little further and noticed shards of bones on the floor.  Garon’s darkvision helped him see a stone bridge 40ft in the, air spanning width the cavern.  Aubrey sent lights around the cavern and saw eight Hooked Horrors nestled in the crevices up above.  He told the party not to make any sound as the creature’s hearing was sensitive but their sight was poor.  After some hushed deliberations Aubrey used his floating disc spell to silently ferry each party member to the other side of the chamber, avoiding the Horrors.

They followed a tunnel into a large cavern and at its centre saw a swirling whirlpool of mud, fed by a mud river.  Facing the pool with its back to the party was an armoured Earth Elemental surrounded by imp like creatures made of mud.  Some of the mud creatures started jumping and pointing causing the elemental to turn and charge at the party.  The elemental hit Skonn with a thunder charged maul while the imp creatures also attacked and exploded when killed, splatting sticky tar where they lay.  The party killed all of the creatures and decided to rest a short while before pressing on, deeper in to the dark crystal lined caves.

tl;dr Killed the Xorn, went spelunking, killed an Elemental Earth Myrmidon. 


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