An Avalanche of Cultists

(Scroll for tl;dr)
As the battle cries and footsteps grew louder, Aubrey, Balderpoor, Garon, Skonn and Sorin readied themselves for the inevitable battle. In the ancient hall there were already two Hobgoblins and Bulette. They were joined by two more hobgoblins and spear wielding Bulette rider. Balderpoor, Skonn and Sorin killed the hobgoblins easily but the Bulette proved tougher until Skonn eventually downed the beast. From the south corridor five Duergar approached but as Skonn recklessly charged at them, Aubrey crackled a lightning bolt killing four of the dark dwarves. The final Duergar cast invisibility but was not stealthy enough to sneak past Skonn, who swung his sword at the darkness, cutting the dwarf down where he stood.

As Skonn was taking out his unseen foe, a Bulette and rider appeared from the west corridor followed by three Black Earth Guards and a Battlemage. Skonn charged again while the others took up positions. As the Bulette burrowed into the ground Skonn took out its rider. This did not prevent the Bulette reappearing near Aubrey and leaping on him, knocking him unconscious. As Aubrey lay dying, Garon launched eldritch blasts at the beast while Balderpoor, still in panther form, noiselessly padded up to it and finished the job.

Skonn butchered a guard but the Battlemage was proving tough as he repeatedly caused the ground to erupt violently under the feet of the Adventurers. Garon used the power of his otherworldly patron to conjure the Hunger of Hadar.  The spell opened up a freezing gateway to the Void underneath the Battlemage and remaining guards. One of the guards succumbed to the freezing cold but the Battlemage managed to haul himself out of the affected area. Skonn dragged him back into the portal while Aubrey sent another lightning bolt into the darkness where they know the mage to be. As another guard went down Balderpoor delivered the coup de grĂ¢ce to the mage by engulfing him within a flamesphere.

Aubrey was healed and the party rested to regain their strength and tend to their wounds.  Sorin surveyed the battlefield collecting anything of value in his Bag of Holding.  On the Battlemage they found a fist sized stone with a face carved into it.  Aubrey examined the stone but couldn't identify it so put it in his pocket.  

The party gathered around the campfire the hobgoblins had built, except for Garon who took up a position in the corner of the hall.  As they tended their wounds, the rock in Aubrey's pocket started to speak.  It said "Zeran, have the intruders been dealt with? We’re sending all remaining mages to the hall. The Mud Sorcerer is also on route so watch out!"

Tl:dr The party fought waves of cultists and lived, for now.


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