
Showing posts from June, 2019

An Avalanche of Cultists

(Scroll for tl;dr) As the battle cries and footsteps grew louder, Aubrey, Balderpoor, Garon, Skonn and Sorin readied themselves for the inevitable battle. In the ancient hall there were already two Hobgoblins and Bulette. They were joined by two more hobgoblins and spear wielding Bulette rider. Balderpoor, Skonn and Sorin killed the hobgoblins easily but the Bulette proved tougher until Skonn eventually downed the beast. From the south corridor five Duergar approached but as Skonn recklessly charged at them, Aubrey crackled a lightning bolt killing four of the dark dwarves. The final Duergar cast invisibility but was not stealthy enough to sneak past Skonn, who swung his sword at the darkness, cutting the dwarf down where he stood. As Skonn was taking out his unseen foe, a Bulette and rider appeared from the west corridor followed by three Black Earth Guards and a Battlemage. Skonn charged again while the others took up positions. As the Bulette burrowed into the ground Skonn took

Nobody Thinks of the Henchman’s Family

Arnogall had taken the last watch.  As the dawn broke, the other members of the party, Balderpoor, Sorin and Skonn started to wake to find their companion missing.  They assumed Arnogall would be back so over breakfast Sorin told the others about a strange dream he’d had that night.   He described the centre of the a crossroads corridor where his God, Gwaeron Windstrom, pointed to a door. When Sorin walked through it the ground trembled. He entered a large empty dwavern hall where the stoneworked floor gave way and he fell, landing in a narrow cavern. Ahead was an evil looking altar.  There was a figure with snake hair with its back to him. As he began to approach he felt immense pain and looked down to see a metal horn had pierced through his chest from the back, then pulled out. As he fell to the ground he saw a goat with long sharp metal horns. As he lay there dying, he noticed the goat’s eyes had a strange symbol where it’s iris should be. There the dream ended but he had manag