
Showing posts from January, 2018

Ritual, Interrupted.

The adventurers fought a fire snake and a swarm of snakes that had been mistakenly summoned by a small girl, whom the adventurers were trying to rescue. Sorin expertly weaponised his water skin causing double damage to the fire snake and Adran blasted it with a Ray of Frost. Everyone managed to avoid being poisoned by the snakes. The girl explained she was the blacksmith's daughter, Bess.  She was very upset that her ritual had been interrupted and she sobbed. She said she had been treated like a slave by her father and was trying to summon a pegasus so she could fly away and leave her old life behind her. After some persuasion she agreed to come back to town but only if the adventurers took her back to the Constable. In this room was a large statue of a knight on a plinth, holding aloft a silver horn.  On the plinth was an inscription which read "If you are to keep this, you must first give it to me. "  Smiley, the halfing rogue, climbed up the statue to retri

The Beginning

Eight strangers found themselves in a dark room.  At the centre of the room was a large wooden block.  Torch light reflected off liquid covering the block.  There were barred windows in the ceiling at the edges of the room and a sturdy looking wooden door.  Beyond the door the sound of something heavy hitting something soft and squishy could be heard, interrupted only by the occasional loud swearing of a gruff male voice.  On investigating the liquid, the strangers found it to be blood.  Undeterred the dwarven cleric Drowyn attempted to open the door and found it unlocked. In a brighter, larger room the strangers found a large man in a butcher's apron chopping up a pig carcass with an enormous iron cleaver.  The strangers spoke to the man discovering he was a butcher and also constable of the town of Red Larch.  They had agreed to come to the constable's shop to discuss a business proposition but the previous nights drinking had clouded their memories!  Constable Harburk