Spelunking and Black Puddings

After taking Aerisi's spear, Jarlier also took a torc, four rings and a diadem from where she fell. The Adventurers donned the cultists robes and ventured down the stairs, finding the cultists in the great hall were no longer floating and meditating. They asked the party what had happened to Aerisi before one of them spotted that Jarlier was carrying Aerisi’s spear. "Look, he carries Windvane." "The heir of the air," another exclaimed, "tell us your bidding oh Lord." Jarlier, confused at the outburst, asked why they were here and what was down the shaft in the middle of the room. They did not know as only the fully initiated cultists went down there, though they never came back. Skonn and Baphomet jumped down the shaft with little hesitation. Their fall was slowed by both a strong upward gale of air and their Featherfall cloaks; the descent seemed to take an age. The others eventually followed finding themselves in a cave with gory bo...